Aki Burayidi
RYT 200 RajaHatha School of Yoga
Why do you love teaching yoga?
I love teaching yoga because I get to witness people connecting with their bodies and feeling the joy of movement!
I'm so grateful to be able to hold space for people to have meaningful somatic experiences in a world that too often requires us to be disconnected from our bodies.
What can students expect to experience in your class?
Students can expect classes with plenty of opportunities to check-in and listen to their own bodies. Classes generally start with a brief centering and meditation that leads to slow, breath-centered movement that gradually increases in intensity throughout class.
What is the greatest benefit of yoga?
Finding equanimity.
Personal Inclusivity Statement
I believe yoga should be accessible to all people. I work to turn this belief into action through collaborating with organizations who hold also hold this belief and provide resources to minoritized groups who are commonly excluded from the traditional yoga studio setting.
As a Black woman myself, I have felt the isolation of being "the only" in a yoga studio and hope to create space in my classes for all people to feel comfortable showing up as their authentic selves without having to disregard any part of their identity.