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Ashtanga Apprenticeship Program


Via this apprenticeship, you will receive hundreds of hours of hands-on experience, education and mentorship. Participants can expect to be firmly established in their practice and receive the tools to become a knowledgeable teacher that understands the traditional Ashtanga method.

Before You Begin...

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Ensure you meet all prerequisites

~200 hour teacher certification~


~Minimum 1 year Mysore traditional practice~


~Demonstrate a commitment to traditional yoga as taught and passed down by our teachers in India~


~You feel called to share this practice with others, and commit to honoring the traditions and methods in which it is taught~



  •  Meet monthly for 2 hours of adjustment training. 

  • Each session will review specific postures and allow for in-depth instruction and hands on practice 

  • (Testing out involves the students adjusting every single primary series posture on the instructor as they practice in a one-on-one setting)

  • Learn anatomy, vayus, special considerations, injuries and injury prevention specific to the postures.,

  • Approach dealing with mental health and wellness with students

  • Developing the teacher student mantra

  • Discuss other topics as guided by teacher and student including 8 limbs, Sutras, teacher student relationships, troubleshooting, etc. 

  • Learn sanskrit names of poses, as well as individual sanskrit words to develop an understanding of the language

  • Learn opening and closing mantras, and student-teacher mantra

  • Learn traditional Sanskrit count for a Led Primary class

  • Attendance to any/all workshops offered by director (included in tuition)

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  • Practice minimum requirement: 3-4 practices per week: 

  • Minimum 1-3 practice weekly with program director

  • Attend minimum 2 led classes per month

  • The program will begin with more practice than assisting, as the apprentice develops/acquires knowledge the hours of assisting will increase while practice hours during student practice time will decrease.

  • Student may assist with poses they have been instructed on and then begin their own practice​


  • Assist in the Mysore room 1-2 times per week. Practicing on students with supervision and further instruction only doing the poses that have so far been addressed in training sessions. (100-200 hours of assisting in a year)

  • Teach at least one 4 week beginners Ashtanga led class (standing postures, backbends and last 3 of closing and/or 4 week beginners Mysore class (tbd by director and student)

  • Teach Led half primary ¾ through program and full primary by the end of program

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Assisting & Teaching

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Meet Your Instructor


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