John Miller
Training: 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Hatha vinyasa, 18 hour restorative
Why do you love teaching yoga? Being able to help people improve their posture and mobility while decreasing their pain will not only improve the quality of their lives but the lives of the people around them.
What can students expect to experience in your class? A casual, low-key and hopefully educational experience as I teach you how to use your body in a proper and mindful fashion.
What is the greatest benefit of yoga? Finding a way to quite the inner monolog and just live/ move/ be in the moment.
Personal Inclusivity Statement On the surface, as a straight, middle aged white guy it wouldn't appear that I'm part of a marginalized community. But that's only because there is no community for the kids who were beaten by babysitters, or molested by drunken fathers or publicly berated and threatened with eternal damnation simply for being a kid with adhd that couldn't sit through a church service... but hey, that was the 1980's. You conformed or you were cast out and that's how I grew up: fragmented and disenfranchised. Yoga helped to bring me back together and make me a whole person again.
I don't care what color you're skin is, who you choose to love or how you choose to identify yourself. I only care that you're a good person... most of the time. We all have bad days and we all have our own struggles and we all need a safe place to land. A place to be open and vulnerable. That place is on your mat and when you're on it I hope to guide you past what holds you back and to become a stronger you.