Ashtanga +Mysore Yoga
Are you ready to deepen your practice?
Ashtanga is known as the Original Vinyasa. A traditional method of yoga, the intelligent sequencing of Ashtanga will transform both body & mind. ​
Experience the traditional practice of Ashtanga yoga through our Mysore-style classes, an authentic approach passed down through generations. Unlike a guided class, Mysore allows you to practice at your own pace, with personalized attention from the teacher. Whether you’re a beginner learning the sequence or an experienced practitioner deepening your practice, Mysore meets you where you are.
As a cornerstone of traditional yoga, Mysore-style honors the original method of teaching Ashtanga, focusing on individualized instruction and self-practice. This approach preserves the integrity of the practice, allowing for a deep, personal connection to yoga while receiving guidance from the teacher. Build strength, flexibility, and focus while respecting your body’s unique needs. Join us for this time-honored practice that fosters personal growth within a supportive community, staying true to the roots of yoga.
Our Ashtanga Led Primary Class guides you through the traditional sequence of the Ashtanga Primary Series. In this class, the teacher leads the group in unison, synchronizing breath and movement in a structured flow. It’s a great way to experience the rhythm and discipline of Ashtanga yoga, building strength, flexibility, and focus. Suitable for all levels, this class offers a powerful, energetic practice while honoring the roots of the Ashtanga tradition.
Out of town guests welcome!
If you are traveling through the Madison Area and have an established Mysore Practice, please join us! Drop-In: $25
Email Kat at: for details​
Moon Days
We don't practice Ashtanga during moon days as it is a way to honor the rhythms of nature. Also, according to Indian astrological belief, it is not auspicious to do certain things on moon days. Our yoga practice is part of this lineage, & by not practicing we honor the moon days.
Mark your calendars!
13th (mon) - full
29th (wed) - new
12th (wed) - full
27th (thurs) - new
14th (fri) - full
29th (sat) - new
12th(sat) - full
27th (sun) - new
12th (mon) - full
26th (mon) - new
11th (wed) - full
25th (wed) - new
10th (thurs) - full
24th (thurs) - new
9th (sat) - full
23rd (sat) - new
7th (sun) - full
21st (sun) - new
6th (mon) - full
21st (tues) - new
5th (wed) - full
20th (thurs) - new
4th (thurs) - full
19th (fri) - new
Mysore Etiquette
You are welcome at Monona Yoga Center!
• You must have an established Mysore practice, or prior approval by the director of Monona Yoga before attending Mysore.
• On your first day of practice at MYC please practice the primary series.
• Please respect and follow the traditional Ashtanga method as taught by the Ashtanga Yoga Institute and MYC. Please do not add, skip or in other ways deviate from the traditional Ashtanga sequence of yoga asanas unless you have exceptional circumstances or have been directed by your teacher to do so.
• Please take Sivasana with your feet towards the window, and your head towards the altar.
• Practice with care and consideration towards yourself and others. Please stay on your own mat and refrain from directing or assisting other practitioners, unless you have a prior agreement with them.
• Respect your limits. Acknowledge that your body and mind will feel different every day; listen to what your body tells you and practice in your own time following your own breath.
• Please refrain from unnecessary talking.
• Refrain from eating at least 2 hours prior to and 30 minutes after your practice. Drink plenty of water or coconut water after your practice.
• Personal hygiene is an integral part of practicing yoga. Please ensure that you and your gear are clean.