There's cooler air in today's breeze. And when a big gust of wind bursts out, leaves fall from the trees and dance within its energy. This has fall on my mind. And when I have fall on my mind, I begin to get inspired. I think of open windows and the excitement of the cool air blowing through the house. I think of cuddling into soft, warm clothes, and reading books that inspire me to dream, create, and do. I think of new soups to make with local harvest.
I ask myself, now that the time of play in the heat of the sun has come to a close (summer), what do I want to reflect on? What do I want to do? What new and wonderful things do I never want to regret missing? To me, this is fall.
As I look ahead to fall, of course, much of it centers around Monona Yoga. What new and wonderful things should we co-create at the studio? What books should we read? What can we bring to the community of Monona Yoga to continue to enrich it? For my first official Fall at the Yoga Studio, this is a very exciting time!
First - book club. I've been thinking all summer about what book to start reading in the fall. Many titles have crossed my mind. Books on Yoga, Yoga philosophy, fun reads, heavy reads, autobiographies, you name it. This cool air has me settled on just the right book: Excuses Begone! By none other than the wonderful and inspiring Dr. Wayne Dyer. This book will knock your socks off! If there is anything you've ever wanted to do, after reading this book you will no excuses left. It will inspire you to do things you thought were just dreams or fantasies. Take me for instance- after I read this book the first time, I went to India for a month! A lifelong dream that I thought was just that - a dream. Instead, I ran out of excuses to call it just a dream, and set out on a journey that changed my life forever. This book is about making hopes, dreams, visions and goals a reality. This is the book for you.
Second - create. I'm a big fan of vision boards. I've been doing them for years, and it never ceases to amaze me when I look back at a vision board I've made in the past, and see what has come to fruition from it. Vision boards come in many forms, and can have any purposes or intentions. In a workshop that I have been excitedly planning in my mind and heart for some time, we will have a "make and take" workshop and learn about these types of vision boards, you will choose your purpose, and create a vision to help you manifest your goals.
There will be more, much more to come. More opportunities to expand your consciousness, improve your practice, and find your peace.
Breath in the cool air. Get Inspired. Co-create.